
Serhii Balashuk

Ukrainian IT specialist, an expert who has been working in the IT industry of Ukraine since the mid-90s. Serhiy Balashuk has a specialized higher education, graduated from the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and the International Institute of Management. Mr. Balashuk started his career at Softline, where he actively developed his professional skills and participated in numerous IT projects. Currently, Serhiy Balashuk is realizing himself as a professional in his field and using the accumulated experience for the development of the Ukrainian company IQusion. Serhii Balashuk takes an active part in professional events of the community of IT specialists of Ukraine, sharing his experience and knowledge with younger generations of professionals.

Міжнародний альянс компаній, що працюють у галузі інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій.


Ми надаємо ІТК-послуги нового покоління. Зокрема це розробка індивідуальних програмних рішень, послуги аутсорсингу ІКТ, а також консультації з інформаційних технологій.